Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Name contest results and doctors visit

And the winner is...

Anton Nikolskij!!
Congrats! Where should we send the bottle of Veuve Cliquot?
Also, we saw a doctor today: everything is fine, we gained and exceeded birth weight. Now it's 4, 550 kg.
He also advised re rush - you were right, it is "baby acne", caused by hormones (mine in his blood stream) and overall hard life in teh real world. May get worse before going away.
Baby shower, remember? на вечеринке в ожидании Григория
Победителем конкурса имен стал...

Антон Никольский!
Куда доставить бутылочку Veuve Cliquot?
Народ, спасибо за соображения про прыщики. Седня были на 2-недельной проверке. Дохтур сказал, что все нормально и даже чудно. Прыщики - от моих гормонов и от тяжелой жизни снаружи. Пройдет, но может стать хуже поначалу. Кстати, у нас прирост веса, теперь 4, 550 кг. Хорошо, что прирост не гигантский, но зато стабильный. Будем воспитывать бегового хомячка. Дохтур понравился.

Пойду покамест.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! SPASIBO! As he is stuck in Siberia, Anton has generously suggested that his (lucky) mom should share this memorable bottle with Gregory's parents (as soon as she meets Gregory, of course!) and we shall drink it all to Gregory's health and endless joys of parenthood overall! So please keep the bottle safe and ready for us - it won't take long! :-)
